SAÏNT MOJAVÏ Featured in FORBES as a Must Have Brand in Your Closet!

SAÏNT MOJAVÏ's latest feature in FORBES comes at no surprise! Since the brand launched their Summer 2018 Collection in June, it has been all the rave among the top fashion editors and influencers around the world. "I was beyond ecstatic when I saw the Forbes feature online... I nearly cried!", shared Teresa Pinedo the designer of SAÏNT MOJAVÏ. "It was surreal and I felt so honored to be apart of the top brands to have this summer", she continued. The feature shared the popular silky gold Tel Aviv top as a must-have this summer. 

Designer Teresa Pinedo met with Forbes editor Olivia Perez this past spring in New York over a Omakase sushi dinner where they discussed all things fashion and SAÏNT MOJAVÏ. While indulging in a 10 course sushi extravaganza they got into detail on the vision Teresa has for her brand and where/how she wants the company to grow. 

The brand came to life in mid 2017, when Teresa founded the company and created the name, "SAÏNT MOJAVÏ" which translates to "Holy Water". Saint is a latin word for Holy, and Mojavi is a Yuman word which translates to Water. Teresa being a island girl at heart, has always found inspiration around water. Not to mention she is a water sign, her horoscope is a Cancer. She knew this was to be the brands name and thus SAÏNT MOJAVÏ was born. 

The brand is now working on their 3rd season which is due to launch next spring/summer 2019. Sign up on their email list to stay up to date when the collection drops. 

1 commentaire

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oh cool, this information is really useful and definately is comment worthy! hehe. I’ll see if I can try to use some of this information for my own blog. Thanks!

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