Conde Nast Brides Presents: Meghan Markle's Top Royal Wedding Dress Look-a-Likes!
Say yes to the dress! The Negev Dress that is.
The leading publication company of wedding dresses, Conde Nast Brides has officially named the top 14 royal wedding dress "look-a-likes". And we are super excited to announce that our very own Negev Dress is the #1 wedding dress to have if you want to replicate the gorgeous royal wedding look that the new Duchess of Sussex wore for her second dress.
The feature came at no surprise since the moment Meghan Markle walked out of the castle in her second wedding dress look, everyone at the S. MOJAVI team shouted for joy and amazement because the dress closely resembled that of the Negev Dress. " Being such new designer on the scene, I felt it was a honor to have designed a dress that closely resembles that of a Stella McCartney design", shared the designer of S. MOJAVI Teresa Pinedo.

The Negev Dress was designed in the earlier part of 2016, while designer Teresa Pinedo was working on her first collection; The Desert X Collection. The dress is named after the Negev Desert in Israel. "The Negev Dress is a classic cut that has been done and redone since the 1950's", shares Teresa. "It is one of my favorite pieces in the collection and will be apart of future collections for sure, maybe with a new twist".
To read more about our feature in Conde Nast Brides click the link here!

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